Friday, September 5, 2014


           I am so excited to tell you about an amazing opportunity that I have coming up in November. Last March, I applied to be part of a short term mission trip to Visakhapatnam, India. Visakhapatman is a port city on the eastern coast of India. Here we are 6 months later and I am one of 8 members from The Village-Dallas Northway going on this journey! We are leaving November 20 and will return on the 30th.        While we are there we will be working alongside Vision Nationals and the great work they are currently doing there. You can check out their website and mission here: Vision Nationals serves in India by planting churches, equipping nationals through their seminary, transform lives through their christian school and orphanage, and something dear to my heart take care of widows in their area by providing medical clinics and other basic needs to women who could otherwise not afford them.
       I cannot begin to express my excitement to see what God will do not only while we are there, but afterwards as well. I am praying that God's will permeate this entire trip, each team member, those supporting and praying for us, and those that we will encounter. I pray that the experience and time spent will also make us better servants, wives, husbands, sisters, brothers, mothers, teachers, and coaches. I pray that my students and athletes will be served in a way I couldn't have done so before. I hope that all see the joy that can only be found in Christ, that is grace, that is mercy, that is redemption. Because through joy…the church multiplies.
     Saying all this, I wanted to share with you my support letter. I would love to have your support in prayer or finances and have you "walk" alongside me in this journey. Love you much. 


      I consider you part of my dearest famiy and friends and because of that I am writing to update you on an amazing opportunity that I have been given. For the past 3 years, I have called The Village Church-Dallas Northway Campus my church home. I cannot begin to express to you the special place The Village has in my heart and life. I have been given an amazing opportunity through their short -term missions to be one of 8 traveling to Visakhapatnam, India. (I’m still working on that pronunciation) I would be so blessed to have you be part of the gospel-centered multiplication.

Details of the trip:
Who: 8 members from The Village Church North Dallas
Where: Visakhapatnam, India (A port city on the eastern coast)
When: November 20-30, 2014
What: Bring hope and restoration while serving alongside Vision Nationals sharing the gospel to widows and orphans in this area.  

There are two main reasons that I feel called to this trip. The first is theological, the Lord has been so gracious to me and shown his mighty love through his grace, mercy, and redemption in my life. I can’t shake the burden and responsibility of sharing this experience and gift of God’s grace. “…proclaim the excellencies of Him who called us out of darkness into His marvelous light” 1 Peter 2:9. Secondly, I believe this is an incredible point of growth for my own relationship and love story with Christ and the one’s I walk alongside each and every day. I am praying that this experience will help me serve my students and athletes well and portray a vivid picture of Christ’s love on their own lives.

However, I cannot serve these people in India on my own. I need a much larger support system built of people that will pray for us and those we will encounter before, during, and after the trip. I am blessed to be able to ask you to join in the trip to India. In order to go, each of are seeking 25 prayer partners and $2500. I would love for you to pray about your part in this trip to India.

As you pray about your role, be encouraged to know that your prayer and possible financial support is an incredible investment that truly goes to furthering the Kingdom. It is an investment in the people of Visakhapatnam and Vision Nationals, people that Christ loves and longs for.

Thank you for sharing in this incredible journey with me and praying about your role. Please feel free to e-mail me at or call at (432) 935-2577 and let me know how I can be praying for you.

                  Love you Mightily,

“When our grandchildren ask us where we were when the voiceless and vulnerable of our era needed leaders of compassion and purpose, I hope we can say that we showed up, and the we showed up on time”-Gary Haugen
How to Support Our Mission to India

Prayer Support-Just let me know by e-mail, phone/text (432) 935-2577, facebook, etc. and I will be sure and send you prayer updates as they come.

Financial Support- Two options…

1.     The best way to donate is online at
-If you do not have an account, you can create one at this time.
-Select your name.
-Select the trip from the dropdown menu (**India 2) and click continue.
-Select who you would like to sponsor and how much you would like to contribute and click continue.
-Select echeck as your payment option and enter your payment information.  *Please be sure you use a check and not a deposit slip as routing numbers can differ. Also, ensure you do not include the check number at the end of your account number.
-Double check your information and click submit forms.

2.     OR, the other way is to mail a check directly to The Village Church.

Make checks payable to: The Village Church

In the Memo Section:
India II-Timmi Burns

Mailing Address:
The Village Church
Attn: Financial Dept.
2101 Justin Road
Flower Mound, TX 75028

***Your contribution will be tax deductible, and please know that by mailing a check you authorize the church to use information from that check to process your payment electronically (echeck). Contributions are made with the understanding that The Village Church has complete control and administration over the use of the donated funds.