Saturday, May 24, 2014

It's been too long...

I can't believe my last post was in December! I thought my life would slow down a bit after volleyball season, but it seems I only filled it with many other things to take up my time. I also took a bit of a break from my etsy shop and card making although a couple of custom orders have kept me busy here and there. In the past few months Clint and I joined a home group with our church The Village, and have enjoyed that community and those friends tremendously. Clint also became a Covenant Member at The Village, and we continue to be so blessed by the teaching and community more and more each week.

The Village really does a great job of offering different groups, and classes to its visitors and members on a variety of different topics. They had some great topics this past spring session, but unfortunately I was only able to attend one. However, it was much needed and has truly blessed my heart. It was a class focused on finances, what the bible says about finances, and how we should be prayerful in how we spend what God has so graciously given us.

I'm about to get painfully honest here. I only do so to rejoice in what Christ is doing in my own life and to encourage you in your walk, even if you don't struggle with finances, I hope it shows you no matter your struggle, God will transform your heart and your desires. I'll be honest I was really nervous about taking the class…I knew I NEEDED it, I knew my marriage NEEDED it, as my husband has loved me through this struggle with a patience that is definitely undeserved. I knew I needed it, yet at the same time I knew what was coming. I knew they would tell me I needed to save more, spend less, more importantly shop less. For those of you that do not know me…I like clothes…and shoes…A LOT. I also have an insane gift for being able to justify just about any clothing purchase…which is a very lethal combination. All that to say, I was nervous because I didn't really even have the desire to change…I wanted cute clothes…and I wanted to keep buying cute clothes, so how was I supposed to change when I didn't even want to? I think this can apply to a lot of things in our lives…not just finances. Things like getting really comfortable with our current jobs when God may be calling us to something not so cush. Or maybe even as simple as talking to that stranger we pass or stand in line with at Target…because well we're in a hurry or just naturally uncomfortable in those types of situations.

I started praying for the desire. I knew I wouldn't be able to make any changes with my finances if I had no desire…it's all about a true transformation of the heart right? So the first step for me was just simply praying for the desire. I'll tell you that first class, I said "ouch" out loud a few times I think. It was convicting, but in a good way. I'm going to go through what I learned and took away from that first class. Again, this was all given to us in the class so I can't take credit for what I'm about to share.

*Who is the Owner of our Property/Money?

"Yours, Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours. Yours, Lord, is the kingdom; you are exalted as head over all. Wealth and honor come from you; you are the ruler of all things. In your hands are strength and power to exalt and give strength to all." 1 Chronicles 29:11-12

If that doesn't sum it up for you, here are more verses on who owns all property:
Haggai 2:8
Leviticus 25:23
Psalm 24:1
Psalm 50:9-12

*What Do I Own?
NOTHING? Now  this is where I had gotten a little big for my britches in the finance area. I had the mindset that I go to work everyday, and on top of that I work really hard so my paycheck is mine and once obligations are taken care of I am able and free…actually it was my right to do with it what I pleased…and as I mentioned above that meant spending it on myself and on things that I didn't necessarily need…more clothes! But in order to really be in relationship with my God…"There must be a conversion of the heart, mind, and the pocketbook."-Martin Luther
This applied during those times, and it still very much applies today. I had to have a harsh reminder, that it's not about me, or as Matt Chandler says "Get over yourself, celebrate Jesus". I wasn't celebrating Jesus in my financial habits at all…

Matthew 6:33
Matthew 7:11
2 Chronicles 1:11-12
Proverbs 8:18-21
Isaiah 26:12
Philippians 4:19
1 Timothy 6:8
Philippians 4:11-13

So this was definitely one of my "Ouch" moments…I guess a little like an Oprah "Aha" moment just a lot more painful. Some may think that the listed verses would seem contradictory, but mainly yes you need to provide and save…BUT when you put all of your satisfaction, worth, and trust in those provisions that is where you have gone astray. Someone in the class asked what the speaker would suggest as far as retirement savings goes…his answer completely blew me away. He said "that needs to be a prayer and constant conversation you have with God…to see if retirement is even in His plans for you." Wait, whaaaaaat?! You mean he could have me work for the rest of my life? It was a mind blowing thought…but you know what? It's so true. Who are we to assume or expect that right? Don't get me wrong for those that God has that in store for, I think it is a beautiful thing. However, I don't think we should put our happiness or trust in something that just may not be ours to have or plan for.

Matthew 6:20-21
1 Timothy 6:18-19
2 Corinthians 8:12
Mark 12:41-44
2 Chronicles 29:16
1 Corinthians 16:2

The speaker told us "Your bank statement is a record of worship". Insert another "ouch" moment. I wasn't in the habit of tithing…actually I'm being honest so I had never tithed. Ever….besides that handful of change my dad would occasionally give me to toss into the plate as a child. I had never made it a priority. Clint had always been pretty faithful in his finances with  tithing and giving to friends and their ministries. However, we had never tithed since we had gotten married to our church. It's funny before you get married you think you'll have all this extra money laying around everywhere because I mean now you'll only have one set of bills right?! Well for you single people…let me crush that dream for you right now, and for you married people you know exactly what I'm talking about. We weren't ending up with much leftover at the end of the month to feel like tithing was really even an option. I had a huge tug on my heart that this had to change. I guess that whole prayer for a heart transformation was working. I just really felt like God was telling me and showing me through these scriptures that if we gave faithfully…we would be in line with what God calls us to do…and in that would find joy. I didn't say He would multiply and somehow turn our bank account into an overflowing well…but nonetheless we needed to be faithful. And oh yeah you know that 10% thing?! Yeah the New Testament is very clear that it is ALL His. This is another conversation we have to have with Christ…how much are we supposed to give? Once Clint and I prayed and talked about it, we decided on an amount, and The Village allows you to pay online, and I can't tell you the joy I found in clicking that submit button. To think that just a few weeks prior this was a heart that didn't even want to change…didn't even want to want the desire. God's pretty faithful right? Oh and guess what? We also made it that month…it was tight…but we made it.

Now I'm not saying God has completely transformed me and my bad spending habits overnight. I still struggle with making good spending decisions no doubt. However, He has given me an outlook that is not based on me, but based on Him and He has put things into a much better perspective. I can spend frivolously, or it could be used to build something eternal. I have to continuously remind myself of this when I get those pesky e-mails from Madewell and J.Crew…but I'm making progress, and I'm making progress with my God and my sweet patient husband walking with me. Did I mention my husband teaches personal finance and business?….And yet he still shows patience, love, and understanding through my struggle.

Along with the church tithe, I have also found immense joy in donating to ministry-driven organizations like Jesus Said Love, Sole Hope, and Preemptive Love. If you haven't heard of these organizations, I urge you to look them up. Preemptive Love provides life-saving heart surgeries to children in Iraq. They are a beautiful picture of what our lives as Christians should look like on a daily basis…maybe not all able to provide life-saving heart surgeries, but loving others first even when they have nothing to give back…loving everyone as Christ loves…no borders or boundaries. Please look them up when you get a chance. I had an eye-opening thought the other day when they posted that you can provide one of these surgeries with a $700 donation…It made me realize that my typical Madewell purchase is 2/7 the cost of saving a LIFE. Definitely puts things into perspective…as much as it hurts.

All that to say…in whatever your struggle I hope you find encouragement in hearing about mine and the work God is doing in being faithful and transforming my heart…one non-purchase at a time. It gets easier…I still struggle, but my God is Faithful to Finish.

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